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Individual polygon corrupt

02-20-2012 04:15 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hi there

I wasn't sure whether to post the following in editing or geodatabase & ArcSDE. I personally think it applies to both.

Has anyone had a polygon corrupt? I don't mean complete files but an individual polygon. Last week after doing a fair number of edits to a polygon, including reshaping; clipping and merging, to other newly digitised polygons, some of which had curves, I hit a problem. Whenever any part of the polygon was showing on screen, I could not trace anything at all. No polygon showing I could trace. If I started tracing and then moved to show the polygon on screen my tracing would vanish as if I'd never started tracing. If I stop tracing then the current amount I had traced would remain but the tracing lines themselves would vanish.

Now the polygon is held in a feature class stored in an Oracle 10g database through ArcSDE 9.3.1. I am working in ArcGIS 10.0.3. So I exported the polygon to a file geodatabase but it had the same problem. I run check geometry but that didn't bring up any geometry errors. After that I rang ESRI UK technical support. They suggested a work around which was to export the polygon as a shapefile and then reimport it. However this won't work because because curves are not supported in shapefiles

I could recreate the feature from scratch  by tracing the exported shapefile but that isn't dealing with the source of the problem, just ignoring it and carrying on until it happens to another feature. This is the first time it's happened to be fair but I've had a number of geometry errors whilst digitising.

The support person at ESRI UK said that they could found no documentation that gave a definitive list of actions that can cause a feature to become corrupt but their is something about exporting the feature out to a shapefile that rectifies the issue. Of course if ESRI were able to compile a definitive list of actions then they might actually be able to deal with and resolve the source of the problem.

Kind regards

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4 Replies
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I had a similar problem a few years ago in 9.3 after excessive use of the SMOOTH tool in the "Advanced Editing Toolbar" on polylines in a FGDB.  The SMOOTH tool creates geometric curves.  I can't recall all the symptoms of the problem, but it would cause failures to simple merge editing operations (I'd get zero length for the merged feature) in the FC and any other geoprocessing I was attempting.  No error report came up; just the output was negatively affected.   Didn't try TRACING.

I first resolved it by running REPAIR GEOMETRY.  I cannot recall if I found anything with CHECK GEOMETRY, but REPAIR GEOMETRY reported self intersecting lines and some null geometry that caused total glitches of the FC in other operations.  Subsequently, I avoided the problem by running the GENERALIZE tool (also in the "Advanced Editing Toolbar") after using the SMOOTH tool on complex polylines, with judicious choice of the offset parameter in order to preserve the curvature of the lines, but as a simpler feature type.   It approximates the geometric curves with short line segments and eliminated small loops that were only visible on screen at extreme zoom.

That didn't mean that I could not use SMOOTHed polylines (or polygons) or other true curves in the processing I was doing, but just that I had to be careful with the various true curve generating tools which apparently have potential to create weird geometry in complex individual polyline or polygon features that does not show up at the normal editing scale.  If in doubt I use GENERALIZE with a small offset on complex curves that I need for some other operation.

See if REPAIR GEOMETRY works first and preserve your geometric curves; if that isn't sufficient try the GENERALIZE tool on the complex features (similar effect to exporting to shapefile and reimporting).  

I'll be interested to hear if it works, and what sort of curves you were using.

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Frequent Contributor
Thank you for your informative reply Hardolph.

I will use your suggestions and see what happens. Interestingly I've never had a problem with curves when using FreeHand or Illustrator to draw maps. Whilst over time it was possible for a FreeHand document to get corrupted, after some years of editing and resaving, curves were never a problem.

They only seem to be a problem in ArcMap. It is an area that ESRI need to address. Whether they will for 10.1 remains to be seen. It would require someone who understands digitising and drawing of maps to take an interest in the issue and see that it got resolved.

ArcMap may do far more than FreeHand or Illustrator with regards to data, if you discount the MapPublisher add on. However for digitising, it doesn't compare to them. FreeHand hasn't been in development since 2004 and it's still better!
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Hardolph, at first I thought your suggestion of generalisation worked. However it generalised to much, even when setting the offset to 0.0001. Thank you for suggesting it anyway as I'd not used the advanced toolbar before and although I won't be using it in this case, I might find a use for it in the future.

Looks like the only option is to convert it to a shapefile. As it's one feature it doesn't matter but if it were a complete feature class it would, as not only would all curves be turned to line lines, all table names over 10 characters long would be truncated without warning.

Perhaps ESRI need to issue a knowledge article or blog posting explaining that curves should be used with caution and what to do if you encounter problems.

Kind regards

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Frequent Contributor
Through my persevering this issue was forwarded to ESRI in America who confirmed there was already a bug number assigned to this, NIM076428. It's not however publicly searchable on-line only internally by ESRI. Not sure why this is the case but I've asked the technical support guy in the UK why it is.

No time scale as to when it will be fixed but I guess at least it is known about. I think perhaps I should stop digitising, then I wouldn't find these bugs. I'm hoping that 10.1 will resolve a lot of these issues and won't just be a release with more functionality containing more bugs and not many fixes for previous ones.

I'm aware that the software is complex and works very well in a lot of areas but when you keep being confronted by buys every day, even low level ones, you do start to wish they would fix more of them sooner.

Kind regards
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