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How can I transform my projection system Colombia Bogota zone to WGS84?

08-03-2016 09:25 PM
Deactivated User

I have a shapefile for whole Colombia, but that shape file projected with Colombia Bogota zone and that boundary is not matching with google eart or google or osm boundary. So, I transform into WGS84 system but it is shifted little bit from the previous boundary and still it is not matching. I did what ever i found in ESRI tutorial. Please help me out.  

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Esri Notable Contributor

What transformation did you use? We have several Bogota to WGS84 transformations, but only one is for the entire country: Bogota_To_WGS_1984. The Bogota_To_WGS_1984_2 is for a few oil fields, and the others are for various districts, not the entire country.

Bogota_To_WGS_1984 is not a particularly accurate transformation, maybe 10 m.

You might also try one of the "Region VIII" transformations. Region VIII covers the eastern half of the country to see if gives a better overall fit.
