How Can I convert DMC to Pro absolute xy, because Pro need xy and our Data in DMC like (30°11'4.46"N)
DMS to decimal degrees manually in arcmap and Pro or the Convert Coordinate Notation tool
Type Of xy in Pro?
The types of coordination supported and how to do it via coordinate notation conversion are available in the Projections and Transformation toolbox and you should bookmark the ArcGIS Pro tool reference link
One issue is DMS is a string and you need to convert it to a number (Double) so you can plot them
The basic conversion is dd = d + m/60 + s/3600
you could field calculate it in ArcMap two fields DMS has the dms values, and DD a double field where you want to field calc it
.DD= left( [DMS],2) + (mid( [DMS],4,2)/60) + (Mid( [DMS], 7,4)/3600)
The left and mid functions are a way to pull apart the string, in your example
30°11'4.46"N you want the left 2 (maybe 3 if in western hemisphere ie. -30) Mid 4,2 gets the 11 and mid 7,4 gets the 4.46 The °'."N symbols are not math symbols..