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clip raster by raster

03-20-2012 01:50 PM
Emerging Contributor
Hello all,

I have a SPOT raster image and what I did was use the classification tools to create 4 raster files for water, glaciers.....

Now what I want to do is remove the water and glaciers from my raster image, which would involve me using my classification raster file as my mask layer to remove it from my original raster.

Problem is I have tried using the raster catalog, extract by mask, clip....I get everything inside my mask, where I actually want everything outside my mask.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Based on what I understood from your description, here is a possible workflow if you have access to ArcGIS 10 (step 3 is dependent on ArcGIS 10):

1) Classify your spot image to one raster including all water, glaceirs etc.

2) Convert the reclassified raster to a polygon using Raster to Polygon tool.

3) Use the Mask button on the Image Analysis window to get your desired output.

The masked output is added as a temporary raster layer to the table of contents. Next, please export the temporary raster (right click > Data > Export Data).

Hope this helps.
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Emerging Contributor
ok i will try this and get back to you.  Thank you
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