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Why do I have the ability to accept a solution in someone else's post?

06-15-2022 05:16 PM
Esteemed Contributor

Why do I have the ability to accept a solution in someone else's post?


It seems weird to me that people can accept answers to other people's questions. For example, I've had it a couple of times where someone accepted the answer to one of my posts...before I even had a chance to read the answers and decide which one worked best. I actually found it kind of off-putting, so I asked those people about it, and it turned out they did it by accident (they meant to hit the kudos button instead).

Do we like that functionality? Is it meant to be like that?

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4 Replies
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Just a guess: maybe it is user ranking/level related. If a user is a frequent contributor, he/she might be granted some higher permissions including accepting answer as solution. 🤔

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Esteemed Contributor

Yeah, could be. Although, as a "Regular Contributor"/non-Esri staff person, I'm not aware of any special powers that I have.

And the person who accidently did it to me today is a "New Contributor II"/non-Esri staff member.

So in those two cases, my guess is neither of us have special ranking/abilities.


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MVP Alum

Hmmm. Strange. Only members with Moderator rights should have this capabilities (e.g. Esri Staff, MVPs, etc.). Could it be due to any backend update gone wrong? Maybe.

Tagging @MichelleMathias for better understanding.

Think Location
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Esri Community Manager

Thanks for bringing this up, @Bud, and for your input, @Ting and @JayantaPoddar

The suggested reasons for how this is supposed to work track: It's intended that comments can be marked as Accepted Solutions by the member who created a post as well as moderators, MVPs, Esri Place Managers, and other Esri staff.

Thanks for including the example above, Bud. We'll look into this to see if there's a possible permissions issue at play. When you have a moment, could you also point us towards the recent post of yours where another member who appears not to have the right credentials accepted a solution? 

Jesse Cloutier
Community Manager, Engagement & Content