I'm always more than a little leery to build something that is still marked as Beta. In addition, I find it extremely confusing to keep track of what kind of story map I'm going to get when I author it from AGOL. It's pretty straight forward when you start with the main story map URL, you are obviously in classic or the new. Starting from an organizational account, not so much. It's not as if the classic story maps aren't supported, they are still right there when you choose an application template, same as any of the other configurable ones.
Although I like the new story map format when I need Cascade, trying to recreate all the functionality that was found in the original set of story map templates is more than a bit of a pain. Map Tour especially should be extremely straight forward, not something I have to hunt out, then read a tutorial in order to figure out how it works.
My HTML was really straight forward I thought, just a capture, the photo credit in italics and a hyperlink. I was using only the HTML tags that were listed in the documents, which BTW was also a journey to try to discover.
It has eventually settled down and hopefully it won't keep happening. This story map is due to go out to all state employees, so I hope its stable!