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Is it possible to add a layer or tablet of contents widget to a Map Tour, so that users can toggle layers on/off in the map?

11-03-2014 11:53 AM
Regular Contributor

I would like to build a Map Tour story map that incorporates a scanned, georeferenced paper map over the imagery basemap, but offers a way to turn the former layer on/off.  Is the an easy way to add the layer widget to a Map Tour to enable such capabilities?  Anyone built a custom map app that does something similar that I might look at the code for guidance?  Thanks!

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4 Replies
Deactivated User

Hello Peter,

Have you tried the "Swipe" story map style?

Here is a link to the gallery:

Gallery | Story Maps


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Regular Contributor

Hi Amanda,

We want the look-and-fell offered by the Map Tour layout, rather than the Swipe map, the large image and text real-estate on one half the screen and the carousel of thumbnails along the bottom.  If we could figure out how to turn the Map Tour's map into a swipe map, that would be a great solution.  Is that what you're suggesting?  Any pointers on how to combine the two templates to achieve that?  Thanks!

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Deactivated User

Hi Peter,

The Map Tour and the Swipe layout are both out of the box applications provided by ESRI.  I am sure that if you contacted their development team they could help provide you with a downloadable template combining the two.  Of course this template would then have to be hosted on your own server and any graphics or pictures you use will have to be hosted on a third part site like I recently had to do this with a "Short List" style template.  It takes alot of work and there are tutorials available to walk you through creating a self-hosted story map.  Start with contacting the ESRI development team. 

Lots of luck to you!


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Deactivated User

The downloadable version of the Map Tour is located here:

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