I followed the directions posted here: https://developerscorner.storymaps.arcgis.com/how-to-fix-facebook-sharing-6df958944a1c#.ul0qidotj. But that does not seem to work. I am hosting my webpage in a Google Drive folder, and the broken link should work automatically when I updated the js file. but it does not. Is there a way someone can contact me so we can do a screen share so you can see what is going on. Thank you.
Paris Williams
Miami DDA
I am tagging Rupert Essinger since he posted this blog post:
ArcGIS Blog: Issue with the Facebook share button in some story maps and how authors can fix it
One note though, sometimes when I am working in Google Drive, my "sync" stops working randomly. So I have to go into the google drive settings in the task bar and manually perform the sync. It might be worth looking into.
I had this problem last week and I fixed it using the post you mentioned. Did you change both files or just one?
I just changed the one main.js file.
I'm thinking this is perhaps a sync thing with Google Drive because the actual change needed is just editing part of one URL in apps/js/main.js
What do you suggest going forward?
Have you tried verifying that your sync is working with Google Drive? Maybe forcing it to sync?
yes, the sync works.
sorry, my phone number is 305-379-6588.
Hi Nicholas,
The main.js file does not seem to be the most current version. Looking at the shareFacebook function, it still references the old/broken code. Try updating with the most current version (1.4.9).