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Lidar Image to a Shapefile in Lat/Long not UTM

03-10-2016 08:05 AM
Deactivated User

I have imported my lidar data into ArcMap successfully and have been successful at exporting the image into a shapefile, my question is when exporting to a shapefile is it possible to export in lat/long as opposed to UTM. The program I am trying to import it into does not accept UTM in the .prj file. I have reviewed many blogs and videos but there does not seem to be any information about this. It seems so simple but it never is.......

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

You can simply use the Project tool (data management, projections and transformations, Project NOT Define projection)


you can set your dataframe to a geographic coordinate system (ie in decimal degrees GCS NAD83 ow GCS WGS84 etc or one appropriate for Canada)  And right-click on the layer, select Data, Export Data blah blah, but specify use the coordinates of the data frame instead of that of the layer.

Esri Regular Contributor

...but remember that shapefile has a 2.1 GB size limit, less than 100 million points.