All JoanBastide's Badges

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All JoanBastide's Badges

JoanBastide has earned 14 badges!
  • Welcome!
    Earned by 294,243
    Welcome to The Esri Community, It's great to see you!
  • 1st Post!
    1st Post!
    Earned by 40,134
    Congratulations, you created your 1st question post!
  • 1st Reply!
    1st Reply!
    Earned by 44,436
    Congratulations on your 1st reply!
  • 1st Kudo!
    1st Kudo!
    Earned by 27,208
    Congratulations on receiving your 1st kudo!
  • Kudos
    Earned by 10,293
    Congratulations, you've received 5 kudos!
  • Kudos
    Earned by 6,397
    Congratulations, you've received 10 kudos!
  • Kudos
    Earned by 3,163
    Congratulations, you've received 25 kudos!
  • Kudos
    Earned by 1,763
    Congratulations, you've received 50 kudos!
  • 1st Kudo Given!
    1st Kudo Given!
    Earned by 43,718
    Thanks! you've given your first Kudos
  • Kudos Given
    Kudos Given
    Earned by 6,949
    Thanks! you've given 10 kudos
  • Kudos Given
    Kudos Given
    Earned by 2,856
    Thanks! you've given 25 kudos
  • Kudos Given
    Kudos Given
    Earned by 1,374
    Thanks! you've given 50 kudos
  • 1st Idea!
    1st Idea!
    Earned by 7,164
    Congratulations, on posting your first Idea!
  • Inventor
    Earned by 918
    5 Ideas posted earned you the Inventor Badge!