I am trying to use the Recordset Export method to export a shapefile's .dbf to a .csv file. The .csv file gets created, but then ArcPad crashes...and the .csv file is empty. Here is my code, which I call OnSetActive of a page. If I comment out the pRS.Export line, no .csv file is created and ArcPad does not crash. But I need a .csv file with the data as my output.
Can anyone troubleshoot this or perhaps share a snippet of code where they were able to successfully use the Recordset's Export method, so I can see what I am doing wrong?
Sub CreateCSV()
'++ create the recordset object
Dim pRS
Set pRS = Application.CreateAppObject("RecordSet")
'++ create a shapefile and add a field
Call pRS.Create ("Y:\Prep\ArcPadPrep\DATACHECKS\Testing.shp", apShapePoint)
Call pRS.Fields.Append ("LfNodes", apFieldNumeric)
'++ Open new shapefile, add a feature, set the value of the field LfNode to 1, update and close
pRS.Open "Y:\Prep\ArcPadPrep\DATACHECKS\Testing.shp",2
pRS.Fields("LfNodes").Value = 1
'++ export Testing.dbf to Testing.csv
pRS.Export "Y:\Prep\ArcPadPrep\DATACHECKS\Testing.csv",-1
'++ clean up
Set pRS = Nothing
End Sub
I don't know if this will help, but maybe try putting ( ) around the args for th pRS.Open and pRS.Export ?? just a quick observations ....nothing tested.