Original User: vojkan.gajovic
Dear all,
once again I have run onto this same problem, now with 10.2 versions of ArcGIS for Destkop and ArcPad. I have tried every possible and impossible scenario of creating AXF and checking out data from ArcGIS for Desktop for editing with ArcPad. I have tried on following software/hardware environment:
- OS: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012;
- Mobile OS: Windows Mobile 6, 6.1, 6.5;
- ArcGIS for Desktop: 9.3, 9.3.1, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2;
- ArcPad: 8.0, 10.0, 10.2;
- different workstations and servers, even fresh-ones, first time used;
- Trimble Juno, Trimble Nomad, Trimble GeoExplorer, Pidion Bluebird BIP 6000;
- Shapefiles, Personal Geodatabases, File Geodatabases, ArcSDE Geodatabases;
- install/reinstall Microsoft SQL Server Compact 2005, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005...
Any kind of combination of these variables gave me the same result: when checking-out data from ArcGIS for Desktop using or ArcPad Data Manager Toolbar or geoprocessing tools, I receive message that everything is successful. When I load ArcPad map and/or AXF into ArcPad on mobile device I receive same old error "Failed to load 1 layer(s)"... When doing that on desktop computer, it works fantastic. On mobile device, where it is meant to work, NO!!!! :mad:
I expect of Esri to deal with this as soon as possible, since this is not first time that I write here, nor previous communication with Esri guys gave any result.
Best regards,