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customizing data input

10-12-2010 09:34 AM
Emerging Contributor
I've set up a dataset for use in dissconnected/field use, the dataset will be used on trimble juno's.  Before I go to far, can someone tell me if i'll be able to:

1.  Create a first screen that asks what problem type do you want to collect? I would like the  
     custom form/ interface to select the proper geometry (pts, lns and polys) and populate the   
     problem type field with what was selected.

2.  Create second screen that asks how do you want to collect - based on gps or hand drawn.

I'm sure i can make #2 work, less sure of #1 - the other option is a dataset for each problem type (30different datasets) for simplicity sake I'd like to pursue #1. 

I attached my draft dataset and forgot to mention this will be used/built for version 8

Jason Blocker
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
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7 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi j_blocker,

Could you post the zip file again?

What you have described sounds logical. How familiar are you with scripting?


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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the response.  I posted the zip file again, it shouldn't be any different than the first (zipped folder containing a file gdb), does it not work?  I'm no scripting mad man but have been able to get by so far.

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Emerging Contributor

The original zip is a file geodatabase, I meant to upload the .axf.  I've attached everything that is spit out using get data for arcpad. 

I'm not a programmer but haven't found anything that I can't learn

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Deactivated User
Hi Jason,

I forgot to ask about what version of ArcPad you are using? If you are using 10 does QuickCapture help you at all?
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Deactivated User
Hi Jason,

Here is a sample of how an applet can interrogate the map, and display the layers in a list box. Then when you select a layer in the list and press ok it will make it editable.

I hope this gives you a starting clue and I hope I have interpreted you query.

Let me know how you get on.


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Regular Contributor
Looking at your file geodatabase and feature classes and at the axf file, I am a bit confused by your approach here. 

With regard to the file geodatabase, there are a couple of problems.  Typically, one would name feature classes something sensible that describes the contents of the feature class.  Naming a feature class "Point", "Line", Or "Polygon"  doesn't seem sensible nor descriptive.  A number of domains have been created to represent aspects of what seems to be a single numeric priority ranking from 1 to 3, yet there are 6 domains where it would seem there need be only one with coded domain values 1 through 3.

With regard to the axf file, each feature class has it own custom edit form and identify form defined yet each feature class only contains 4 or 5 fields.  This would not seem to occasion setting up custom forms as there are not enough fields or data to be collected such that it needs to be organized in pages.

I might look at those issues first before proceeding further.

Assuming those issues have been assessed, I question as to why one would need to or want to set up a custom workflow in custom forms in this situation.  ArcPad already provides the functionality that is required.

First, by creating a layer definition for each Problem Type subtype that has been created, a list of each Problem Type subtype and its associated geometry will be created in the Start/Stop Editing Tool.  While a list of 30 feature types may not be ideal, at some point a layer will have to be closed for editing, so unless one intends to create yet another custom form to end editing or script an end to editing, the user is likely to have to use the Start/Stop Editing Tool anyway, so he or she might as well start using it from the first.

Second, selecting whether a feature is captured by pen inputs or GPS is already handled by menu items in the Edit toolbar; however, the process for each input method and each geometry type is so different that no single button to select an input type will handle the task.  Creating a single point is a lot different from creating individual vertices or continuously adding vertices for polyline and polygon features from pen and GPS sources.  Users will have to know how to complete these very different tasks and it will only benefit them in terms of their professional development to learn how to create and edit features in ArcPad in the default manner and not in some scripted and idiosyncratic workflow.

So my suggestion would be to use the existing capabilities of ArcPad instead of attempting to create a custom interface/workflow for your users, because users will likely have to work with the interface as it exists for most task and it is to their professional benefit to know how ArcPad actually works.
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Emerging Contributor
The numerous domains are a product of the software not allowing me to set up more than one subtype within a database.  When I defined a subtype to determine priority based on problem type for say "points", the database wouldn't allow for a subtype performing the same action for "lines".

The naming of points/lines/polys isn't very descriptive, but if i'm the only one looking at the data 1 point layer is far better than 13.  I was hopefull that they would never "see" the data but only see it through forms.

I'm pretty comfortable with using the standard tools/services arcpad provides and that's the back up plan if i can't get it to work without them seeing the data cake (which will blow most of our employees minds)

thanks for the advice
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