I have numerous polylines in a feature class that represent a whole road network, and I also have a point features class which represents accidents have occurred. I want to measure from the start of each polyline (in the direction of travel) how far down a point intersects, to represent how far down the road section each accident occurs. There are numerous accidents to each polyline so I need to know the distance from the start of each line, rather than the distance between each point.
I only have a basic or standard license so unable to use the near tool. Does anyone know a way of working this out in bulk as there is a lot of polyline and point data? Would appreciate any advice on how to work this out
Do you have a Network Analyst license?
Possibly linear referencing What is linear referencing?—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop although I can't provide much if any guidance on it. It would also likely be extremely time consuming to set up.
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can steer you in a better direction. Good luck!
Thanks! I'll give that ago