Hi all -
So I've noticed a buggy behavior with the distance slider intervals on the Near Me widget since probably WAB 2.4. Seems that the slider interval doesn't honor the second interval unit. For example, if I set a max distance of 5, units miles, the slider will show 1, 3, 4, 5 skipping mile 2. Changing units or distances doesn't seem to matter. Maybe there's something that can be added to intermediateChanges property in the _createSlider function?
* This function create horizontal slider and set minimum maximum value of slider
* @memberOf widgets/NearMe/Widget
_createSlider: function () {
// initialize and set the parameter of slider
this._slider = new HorizontalSlider({
name: "slider",
discreteValues: this.config.maxBufferDistance,
minimum: 0,
maximum: this.config.maxBufferDistance,
value: this.config.defaultBufferDistance,
intermediateChanges: true,
"class": "esriCTHorizantalSlider"
}, this.horizantalSliderContainer);
this._bufferParams = {
BufferDistance: this._slider.value.toString(),
BufferUnit: this.nls.units[this.config.bufferDistanceUnit.value].displayText
// set slider content
domAttr.set(this.silderText, "innerHTML", string.substitute(
this.nls.bufferSliderText, this._bufferParams));
// on change event of slider
this.own(this._slider.on("change", lang.hitch(this, this._sliderChange)));
// set maximum and minimum value of horizontal slider
this.sliderMinValue.innerHTML = this._slider.minimum.toString();
this.sliderMaxValue.innerHTML = this._slider.maximum.toString();
The slider steps are decided by the min, max and discreteValues properties if the discreteValues is 3 then the slider will have a minimum a maximum and one value in the middle of those ranges. So is the this.config.maxBufferDistance
and the slider length are what really controls the the slider steps. Try adjusting the maxBufferDistance.
Yeah I tried several different maxBufferDistance settings. So far, a middle value is always skipped. If set to 11, value 6 is skipped. If set to 10, value 5, etc. Not sure if this is the case with the online WAB
Yes the behavior is the same for the online version as well