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Trim Trailing space in popup maybe by using SQL in definitionexpression?

09-28-2011 11:21 AM
Emerging Contributor
I'm wondering if there is a way to trim the trailing whitespace for a field in a mapservice for use in a popup.  The example is shown below, I am displaying a service hosted by esri that displays health care facilities nationwide and I have formatted a popup to display the address by adding the fields in the appropriate order to the <![CDATA]/> tag.  However, the city field has several trailing spaces that I'd like to get rid of.  How can I do it?

I tried to use a definitionexpression with the SQL TRIM() function on the appropriate sublayer to no avail.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I'm including a screenshot of the example, the layer tag for the main config file and the popup.xml

layer tag

  <layer label="Nationwide Hospitals" type="dynamic" visible="true" alpha="1" visiblelayers="6,12,18"
                <sublayer id="6" popupconfig="popups/popup_ESRI_WOL_HealthHomeServices.xml" definitionexpression="ARC_City = TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM ARC_City)"/>
                <sublayer id="12" popupconfig="popups/popup_ESRI_WOL_HealthHomeServices.xml" definitionexpression="ARC_City = TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM ARC_City)"/>
                <sublayer id="18" popupconfig="popups/popup_ESRI_WOL_HealthHomeServices.xml" definitionexpression="ARC_City = TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM ARC_City)"/>


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <title>Health Home Services:  {ProviderName}</title>
 <![CDATA[Health Home Services Number:    {ProviderNum}<br>Address:    {ARC_Address}<br>                     {ARC_City}, {ARC_State} {ARC_Zip}<br>Phone Number:  {Telephone}<br>Date Certified:  {DateCertified}<br>Ownership:  {OwnershipType}]]>

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