There is NO option to have the legends expanded and not thier parent nodes. You need to check if you are pointing to the correct xml file in the main config.xml and that you have cleared your browsers cache.
<expanded everything="false">true</expanded> <collapselegends>true</collapselegends>
<labels> <title>Legend</title> <expandall>Expand All Layers</expandall> <collapseall>Collapse All Layers</collapseall> <zoomtomakevisible>Zoom To Make Visible</zoomtomakevisible> </labels>
Something is definitely off then. The collapselegends tag specifies whether the legend swatch is visible by default when the parent node is expanded. So here is an example of how to expand all nodes without their legends being visible:<expanded everything="false">true</expanded> <collapselegends>true</collapselegends>
If you set the everything attribute to true this overrides the collapselegends tag.
I found an bug in the widget and the visibilitylabel is not used. In version 3.5 add a title tag instead.<labels> <title>Legend</title> <expandall>Expand All Layers</expandall> <collapseall>Collapse All Layers</collapseall> <zoomtomakevisible>Zoom To Make Visible</zoomtomakevisible> </labels>
<excludelayers> <excludelayer mapservice="mcdonough_highway">2,3,5</excludelayer> </excludelayers>
<excludelayers> <excludelayer mapservice="mcdonough_highway">1</excludelayer> </excludelayers>