Very nice work! Just to order for this widget to function the operational layer must be type="feature"....and in order for that to be true that layer must reside in an SDE...
You cannot simply have a related table join in ArcMap within a FGDB (no SDE whatsoever) and expect that to work with this widget...
I appreciate you posting your new widgets, they are very helpful. I wanted ask you if you are able to embed a website in the query widget. Using the traffic camera example, we've live traffic cameras streaming all the time. Is there a way to make their url show in the infopopupwidget? We've had a developer put together a site using google.
I'd like to replicate the pop-ups in flexviewer if possible. I can get it to go to the link of the web camera but can't get the camera feed embedded in the pop-up screen. Any suggestions?
Jeff Lewis
Bay County FL GIS
Just thought I would let you know, I was trying to use your route widget and it's not working. Keeps giving me "Unexpected end of input. Clear and start again or add another valid stop." Maybe I'm not using it right.Can you give me the addresses you are attempting to route?