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Enhanced Search Widget for FlexViewer 2.1

10-25-2010 02:13 PM
MVP Emeritus
All Here is my next widget in the FlexViewer 2.1 series

Special thanks to Erwan Caradec for contributing to this code.

The Enhanced Search Widget extends the standard search widget with a floating data grid and a new spatial query w/buffering.
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767 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   After some more thinking and testing, actually what you what to do is supported in the current release.

To have a layer that is only available in the graphical and Spatial searches and not the text search all you have to do is remove the expressions from the layer element.

            <name>Graphical Calhoun Parcels</name>
            <expressions />
            <graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select a Parcel</graphicalsearchlabel>
            <fields all="true" />
                <link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="">
            <zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6" />
            <relates />
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Deactivated User
as i mentioned i can get greater than and less than code to work.
an equal to requires that i have the hh:mm:ss correct, which is a bit hard.
i am going to alter the dbase materialized view to make the time 00:00:00 but for now the GT and LT are working and it is a range that i need.

<expression alias="GThan DATE" textsearchlabel="Search WWQ by Date Value GreaterThan or Equal to 2012-02-02 00:00:00" field="DATE_TIME_COLLECTED"  usedomain="false"> (DATE_TIME_COLLECTED) &gt;= TO_DATE('[value]','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')</expression>


   If you don't do a date range can you get a single date to work?
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MVP Emeritus

   The issue with the Query has little to do with the widget itself and more to do with the capabilities of esri to do date ranges in a where clause. I have a few other threads where I recommend the use of a time extent for doing date ranges. This widget is not setup to use the time extent though.
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Deactivated User
another great widget (another 5 stars!)
do you have any ideas on how we can make this widget capable of 'drilling' down through multiple relates?
to clarify we have a gis app with farm properties, within each property there can be many paddocks and within each paddock  there can be multiple features.
i have successfully got the widget to get my paddock relates from the property and the feature relates from the paddocks
but it would be great to be able to start at property and then select the related paddocks then select the related features from the paddock
is this possible without clearing search and sending data back to it
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MVP Emeritus
A Hay,

   I want to be sure of the work flow before I can determine a LOE (Level of effort) and decide on the enhancement request.
I am just not following what you are asking (things seem pretty straight forward when you understand what the flow is). You are going to have to break it down in more detail for me.
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Regular Contributor
One of our users reported to me that the infowindow pointed to the end point of the polyline line feature returned from the search results for polyline feature class search. I am assuming infowindow should by default point to the center point of the ployline feature. Please see the attached screen capture of the result. The line from the search result is highlighted by yellow and the point the infowindow points to is in green. Any suggestions or helps would be greatly appreciated.
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MVP Emeritus

   This is default behavior for Polylines that only have two points as there is no easy way to calculate the mid point on client side. If you search a polyline that has more than two vertexes than it will use a vertex that is closest to the middle.
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Regular Contributor

   This is default behavior for Polylines that only have two points as there is no easy way to calculate the mid point on client side. If you search a polyline that has more than two vertexes than it will use a vertex that is closest to the middle.

Thanks for your quick reply, robert.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for your help! Your tools are incredibly helpful. If you have any ideas and the spare time, please take a look at a separate issue I'm stumped on and provide any thoughts you may have.
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Deactivated User
A Hay,

   I want to be sure of the work flow before I can determine a LOE (Level of effort) and decide on the enhancement request.
I am just not following what you are asking (things seem pretty straight forward when you understand what the flow is). You are going to have to break it down in more detail for me.

Hi rschetlin
sorry i know what you mean, i wrote this at end of day and it all made sense to me then!!
OK what i am asking is can we access multiple relate levels through your E_SEARCH widget
INFO: we have a polygon feature (PROPERTY) that can have many polygon features within it (PADDOCKS) and these PADDOCKS can have many point features related.  (e.g CROPS),
1) able to do a search for PROPERTY and have it return the related PADDOCKS in the grid (as your E_SEARCH widget currently does)
2) then a user could click on the desired PADDOCK within the grid and see the CROPS relates to the PADDOCK,
3) then a user could click on the CROP in grid to find info on it

sorry still complicated but is this understandable
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