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Enhance Search Problem

12-15-2012 10:04 PM
Emerging Contributor
Dear All,

I am using Enhance Search widget 3.0.16 flex, i have one Layer "TEST_PRJ" and "regional_command,Province,Shape,ObjectId,Category)fields in this layer, i want to search with different field for example i want to search with regional_command i have six regional_command(RC-East,RC-Capital,RC-West...) i put these regional command in drop down list when i select one regional command from dorp down list it shows the correct result in data grid but in map it show all regional command,i want to see the regional command which i selected from drop down list, in ArcMap when i run the query"regional_command='RC-East' it shows just East but in interface it cannot show.
            <enableprintgrid title="Select Regional Command">true</enableprintgrid>
            <name>Cashing CERP Projects(8631)</name>
                <expression alias="Regional  Command" textsearchlabel="Search Regional Commnad:" isvaluerequired="false">
                        <value prompt="Example: RC-Captial" userlist="RC-East,RC-West,RC-North,RC-Southwest,allu" isvaluerequired="false">regional_command= '[value]'</value>
            <graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Zoning</graphicalsearchlabel>
            <fields all="false">
                <field name="objectid" gridfield="true"/>
                <field name="regional_command" gridfield="true"/>
                <field name="province" gridfield="true"/>
                <field name="category" gridfield="true"/>
                <field name="mgrs" gridfield="true"/>
                <field name="shape" gridfieldonly="true" gridfield="false"/>
            <zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="2">2400</zoomscale>
                <simplefillsymbol color="0x0000ff" alpha="0.5">
                    <outline color="0x00ffff" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor

I don't understand your images that you have posted. What I can make out is that you have a point feature set that contains your CERP projects which has an attribute field that contains the relevant Regional Command. Using the drop down you have created you should be able to select projects that are within a certain RC.

Your regional command feature set is a polygon feature showing the boundaries for each command area so this must be separate from your CERP projects feature set, so the two would have to work independently. Selecting features in the CERP projects by a RC will not also automatically select the relevant RC in the other feature set.

We have quite a comprehensive flex viewer application running down in RC(SW) used by the UK if you want to private message me I can pass on the details of our data manager that maybe able to help you out in theatre.



P.s. I have moved your thread again as you keep posting to the silverlight forum not the flex forum
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User:


I don't understand your images that you have posted. What I can make out is that you have a point feature set that contains your CERP projects which has an attribute field that contains the relevant Regional Command. Using the drop down you have created you should be able to select projects that are within a certain RC.

Your regional command feature set is a polygon feature showing the boundaries for each command area so this must be separate from your CERP projects feature set, so the two would have to work independently. Selecting features in the CERP projects by a RC will not also automatically select the relevant RC in the other feature set.

We have quite a comprehensive flex viewer application running down in RC(SW) used by the UK if you want to private message me I can pass on the details of our data manager that maybe able to help you out in theatre.



P.s. I have moved your thread again as you keep posting to the silverlight forum not the flex forum

Dear Anthony,

thank you from your response,

i am very new in Flex and Arcgis, it is the first widget i am working on, but i don't know more

as i said before "Regional Command, Category,Shape,ObjectId,Province,..."fields  are in one layer, i am trying to search in "regional command,Category,Province,..." for example i want to search in category field in CERP Layer and feature set for CERP project is Point,when i search with category also shows every thing saved in this filed see the attached picture each color shows specific category but when i search one category like"Transportation" it shows other category also can not hide other category.

                <expression alias="Regional  Command" textsearchlabel="Search Zoning:" isvaluerequired="false">
                        <value prompt="Example: transportation" userlist="Transportation,Agriculture,allu" isvaluerequired="false" isrequired="true">category= '[value]'</value>

what do you thing ?
it is a script problem or from published MXD file
it is just one layer

thank you
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MVP Notable Contributor

What you "see" on the map and what the eSearchWidget "select" are completely independent of each other.

It appears as if you are drawing all features in the <layer> tag in the map.  When you configure eSearch to only select for regional_command= 'RC-East', it will "select" the matching features in the sublayer defined for that search and allow you to interact (zoom to, popupinfo) with them.

If you only want to "see" the features where regional_command= 'RC-East', you would add that to the sublayer definitionexpression in the <layer> tag.

Another option would be to not have it visible in the map, and have the eSearchWidget assign the same or similar symbology using the <symbology> as described in the eSearchWidget XML configuration.pdf.  This way, only the features that match the current search criteria would be visible, using the symbology assigned to that layer in the esearchwidget.xml layer tag.

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