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Displaying labels in Flex viewer

03-21-2016 12:59 AM
Emerging Contributor

I don't see the labels in the map even though I set them up in the mxd used to create the service. How to display labels for a layer in the flex viewer? Any help? Thanks

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor


How are you adding your layer to the flex application? Layers will only appear if you add the layer as a dynamic Layer (map service) not a feature service.



Emerging Contributor

I am asking about labels on the features not the layer itself Anthony! What is the reason for labels not showing up in the viewer?Hope you got my point.

Thanks for the reply anyway..

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Honored Contributor


i think I understand what you mean, you have created a map in ArcMap with labels turned on. You have then published this map to Arcgis Server. You want to then consume the map in your flex application with labels turned on.

if so, you must add the map service to your application as a dynamic map service, not as a feature service as this will not show the labels, the URL for your layer should end in /mapserver if you see /mapserver/0 or any other number on the end then you are adding the layer as a feature layer and not as a dynamic Map service.

