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Working with Survey123 and Shapefiles

10-05-2023 06:43 AM
Frequent Contributor

I am working on building a product using Survey123 where my Field Offices can request assistance or additional equipment during disasters. I want to use our field office boundary layer to reflect the status of these requests. How do I tie this polygon layer to my survey so that when a district submits a request, it will turn red, a request being accepted will be yellow, and a filled request or no requests entered will turn green?

The map and resulting product will go into the experience builder situational awareness product I have developed for my agency's executive team.

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @Bryan_Wade

You will need to publish your field office boundary layer as a feature service to your ArcGIS organization. From there you can create your survey based on that layer so any submissions through Survey123 will immediately be reflected in the data. 

Then any symbology configured on the layer in the Experience Builder app will be updated appropriately based on the responses to the survey.

Thank you,
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Frequent Contributor

@ZacharySutherby Is it possible to tie an already published survey to a feature survey or will I need to start from scratch?

Bryan Wade

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @Bryan_Wade

You can point your already published survey to an existing feature service, you will just need to update the submission_url in your XLSForm. Although if there are fields / repeats in your survey that don't exist in your service you will need to add them to the service before being able to publish the survey. 

Thank you,
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