We recently upgraded our ArcGIS server to version 10.4.1. We installed the ArcGIS WebAdapter (IIS). We installed Portal for Arcgis 10.4.1. I can log into the Portal at https://abc.abc.com/portal/home. I can log into the server at https://abc.abc.local:6443/arcgis/manager. Under the manager I have created a Data Store and have validated the connection. I have published two services to the server and use them in a Flex Viewer Web application. These sites can be accessed through the internet and internally.
When I try to log into my Portal through Survey123 I use https://abc.abc.com/portal and get the following error:
Survey123 requires portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 or later configured with Hosting Server and Portal for ArcGIS Data Store.
When I try to log into my Portal through Survey123 I use http://abc.abc.com/portal and get the following error:
Connection timed out (99)
When I try to log into my Portal through Survey123 I use https://abc.abc.local/portal and get the following error:
SSL handshake failed (6)
When I try to log into my Portal through Survey123 I use http://abc.abc.local/portal and get the following error:
Connection timed out (99)
Have we miss-configured something? Or am I trying to log into the Portal through the wrong URL? I'm a little confused.
Hi Will
If you are getting the Survey123 requires portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 or later configured with Hosting Server and Portal for ArcGIS Data Store error when using https://abc.abc.com/portal/home - it would indicate that either the portal version is wrong (which is not the case) or the portal has not been configured with a managed database. Try the following url https://abc.abc.com/portal/sharing/rest/portals/self?culture=en&f=json and look at the following property: "supportsHostedServices" - can you confirm that this is set to true?
OK, I went to that URL and found this:
How do I make that true?
After the install:
An overview of ArcGIS Data Store configuration—Portal for ArcGIS (10.6) | ArcGIS Enterprise
You need to set the DataStore to be your portal's hosting server:
Tasks to perform after you create a data store—Portal for ArcGIS (10.6) | ArcGIS Enterprise
(See: Set the portal's hosting server)