I created a survey in Survey123 web designer, where the data is hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise. Survey123 generated the following "layers:"
I do not have the option to create a layer view from the root layer. Normally I would be able to create a view for a hosted feature service. Is this a documented limitation of feature services generated by Survey123?
If so, how would I go about creating a view of the feature service that allows updates/deletes, but not adds?
Hello @PatrickMcKinney99,
This is a BUG in Survey123 and is logged as BUG-000160270, you'll see if you go to the Settings page of the hosted feature service there are a lot of options missing from there compared to a hosted feature service created through another client app.
Essentially the web designer is not adding a property to the hosted feature service that it should which is causing this issue.
Hello @ZacharySutherby,
Is there a work-around for this bug you'd recommend? There are often times emails or phone numbers are collected for data validation, but we don't want that information made available to the public.
The button is hidden...
To find it and create a new view:
I sure wish ESRI would update the documentation to include this as it would have saved me several hours.