I've been working on a StoryMap for my organization and have set the published options to Everyone (Public) and have made sure that all of the included maps in the StoryMap are also set to be view-able to Everyone (Public), but upon viewing it without an ArcGIS account, a box that prompts me to sign in to ArcGIS online appears and none of the maps load.Per this site: https://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-storymaps/reference/licensing.htm , "An ArcGIS Online account is not required to view stories that have been created in ArcGIS StoryMaps and shared with everyone."
Please advise how to proceed.
Thank you,
Chaz -- Can you share the link to the story here so we can investigate?
Of course, ArcGIS StoryMaps
Looks like a few layers in one of the maps aren't shared publicly or maybe are subscription content and weren't authorized properly.
Can you try unpublishing and republishing the story. When republishing, make sure you accept any offers to change sharing or authorize content in the story.
Thanks, I'll try that and see how it goes.
That worked! Thanks very much!