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Embedded content not displaying from Map Collection in Safari?

03-12-2020 01:11 PM
Frequent Contributor

I have a Story Map developed using the new Story Map builder that contains 3 embedded apps within a sidecar section. The embedded apps are based on the 'Compare' template.  When I open the Story Map app in Safari it works OK (see link below)..

ArcGIS StoryMaps 

but when I open the same Story Map in Safari, whenever it has been added to a 'Map Collection' then only the first embedded app appears... so whenever I scroll to the 2nd & 3rd slides, the embedded app doesn't change to show the embedded app relevant to that slide.

Floods Directive 2nd Cycle (Map Collection) 

Appreciate any views on how to resolve.  (I have a number of story maps that are configured similar to this example an all seem to exhibit the same issue when opened in Safari).



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