Solved! Go to Solution.
Indeed that will help... Thanks!
Made some changes correction to the code by simply skipping the geometry and after that I encountered a memory error, so I included some delete statements and that seems to work.
import arcpy def main(): # settings ras = r"C:\GeoNet\ZonalStatsMultiPart\test\test.gdb\test" fc = r"C:\GeoNet\ZonalStatsMultiPart\gwbodygeom_gk3_20140318Kopie.shp" lst_perc = [2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 98] # list of percentiles to be calculated fld_prefix = "Perc_" start_at = 0 arcpy.env.workspace = "IN_MEMORY" arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # add fields if they do not exist in fc # be aware, field that exist will be overwritten! print "filling field list and adding fields" flds = [] for perc in lst_perc: fld_perc = "{0}{1}".format(fld_prefix, perc) flds.append(fld_perc) if not FieldExist(fc, fld_perc): arcpy.AddField_management(fc, fld_perc, "LONG") print "flds={0}".format(flds) # Enable Spatial analyst arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") # loop through polygons print "loop through polygons" flds.append("SHAPE@") i = 0 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, flds) as curs: for row in curs: i += 1 print "Processing polygon: {0}".format(i) if i >= start_at: polygon = row[flds.index("SHAPE@")] lst_parts = [] for part in polygon: for pnt in part: try: x, y = pnt.X, pnt.Y lst_parts.append(arcpy.Point(x, y)) except: pass # Execute ExtractByPolygon (you can't send the polygon object) print " - ExtractByPolygon..." ras_pol =, lst_parts, "INSIDE") del lst_parts, polygon outname = "ras{0}".format(i) print " - saved raster as {0}".format(outname) # create dictionary with value vs count print " - fill dict with Value x Count" flds_ras = ("VALUE", "COUNT") dct = {row[0]:row[1] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(outname, flds_ras)} del ras_pol # calculate number of pixels in raster print " - determine sum" cnt_sum = sum(dct.values()) print " - sum={0}".format(cnt_sum) # loop through dictionary and create new dictionary with val vs percentile print " - create percentile dict" dct_per = {} cnt_i = 0 for val in sorted(dct.keys()): cnt_i += dct[val] dct_per[val] = cnt_i / cnt_sum del dct # loop through list of percentiles print " - iterate perceniles" for perc in lst_perc: # use dct_per to determine percentiles perc_dec = float(perc) / 100 print " - Perc_dec for is {0}".format(perc_dec) pixval = GetPixelValueForPercentile(dct_per, perc_dec) print " - Perc for {0}% is {1}".format(perc, pixval) # write pixel value to percentile field print " - Store value" fld_perc = "{0}{1}".format(fld_prefix, perc) row[flds.index(fld_perc)] = pixval del dct_per # update row print " - update row" curs.updateRow(row) # return SA license arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial") def GetPixelValueForPercentile(dctper, percentile): """will return last pixel value where percentile LE searched percentile.""" pix_val = sorted(dctper.keys())[0] # initially assign lowest pixel value for k in sorted(dctper.keys()): perc = dctperif perc <= percentile: pix_val = k else: break return pix_val def FieldExist(featureclass, fieldname): """Check if field exists""" fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(featureclass, fieldname) return len(fieldList) == 1 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
See attached shapefile.
Hi Xander,
thanks for this one - worked perfect.
One additional note: I initially received an error:
RuntimeError: ERROR 010240: Raster-Dataset in_memory\ras61 could not be saved in format MEM (my translation)
I assumed a memory problem on my pc and changed
arcpy.env.workspace = "IN_MEMORY"
to my local default gdb, e.g.
arcpy.env.workspace =r"W:\user\thomasa\Default.gdb"
This worked but then the code appears to run somewhat slower.
Thanks again, Xander, your code saves me quite some time!
Best regards,
That is a very good solution, but maybe you should include some code to clean up the gdb, since all temporal rasters will be stored there.
Right - I think of creating a new gdb at the begin of the code which will be deleted at the end of the code.
Thanks again, Xander
Either that or use the scratch workspace...
Hi Xander
I used this code that you issued on 2015/8/27 but i found the results of all percentiles are the same value. Do you have any ideas what might cause the error?
If you can post the data (or a part of it) then I can take a look at what might be causing this.