Your expression is using �??wt�?� but your layer name is �??wt1�?�.
>>> from arcpy.sa import * >>> m2w = Con(IsNull("wt1"),FocalStatistics("wt1", NbrRectangle(3,3),"MEAN"),"wt1")
Hi Matt,
The FocalMean command you're familiar with is not available in the new raster calculator. The documentation you pointed to is wrong and I will submit a defect to have it changed. To accomplish this task you need to use FocalStatistics with the mean statistic type within your Con statement.
It should look like this:
**unspecified**= Con(IsNull("point2ras"),FocalStatistics("point2ras",NbrRectangle(3,3),"MEAN"),"point2ras")
Eric, I was currently solving this problem why it doesnt work for like 2 hours. Thanks alot for helping me!
Eric, I was currently solving this problem why it doesnt work for like 2 hours. Thanks alot for helping me!