I am having a problem with a dem of a greek island. I want to use the Euclidean distance tool but I get back the same dem without the distance raster. I draw a random line trying to test it, but it keeps failing. Why ?
The only thing I can provide is some details of the raster
Solved! Go to Solution.
I'm glad we are getting closer. It looks like the tool only processed to the extent of your input source, I'm not sure if you set the extent or not?
Here is what I think will work.
For the inputs to Euclidean Distance set the source and the output
The environment settings
*Before you run the tool again you need to make sure that the values in the DEM raster that fall on the ocean are NODATA. (I am adding an image with green scribbles where there needs to be nodata.) How Mask works is that it only processes the area within the mask, meaning it only processes where the mask has values greater than or equal to zero. If you are unsure you can run the Is Null tool with the DEM as input. It will return 0 everywhere that the DEM has values equal to or greater than 0 and will return 1 where there is nodata in the DEM.
If it turns out that your DEM has the value of zero over the water then use the In Null result in Con tool to create a new Mask. I am including a screen shot of the Con tool if you need to do this step.
Please let me know if you have more questions.
Elizabeth thank you very very much for your analytical reply. Worked just fine!