I am trying to do this operation with the Silverlight API and was getting what I think is incorrect data, so I went and tried to do the same with the REST interface and am getting the same error.
I am using 102100 as my input SR, here is the ring I am using,
"rings" : [
and the output is 9002, feet or 9035, miles. The ring was drawn in Silverlight and should be close to a square mile. The results are not close to a square mile.
Areas: 46759714.5770107
Lengths: 27352.8925285099
Areas: 1.67726725846316
Lengths: 5.1804617088494
Just as observation here, the lengths reported for a square mile should be close to 4, because it has 4 sides, this lengths value adds the last set of coordinates to the length, the last set is just the first coords, just used to close the polygon. Is this correct? If I create a Path like this using the same coords, not including the last one:
"paths" : [
I get this value:
Lengths: 3.88431596189669
Close to 4, which is expected.
Am I doing something incorrectly? Any help is appreciated.