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December ArcGIS Pro Shorts

Esri Contributor

Here are the ArcGIS Pro Shorts we put out this December! These videos contain some of the exciting enhancements made in the newest release of ArcGIS Pro.


Learn how to share 3D tiles layers from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Enterprise.


Starting in ArcGIS pro 3.4, you can create a definition query based on an active feature selection in a map or a scene. This query can be further edited from the layer properties.


Enhancements have been made to Paste Properties in ArcGIS Pro 3.4. You can now choose to paste subsets of properties such as symbology, labeling, charts, display filters and more.


Starting in ArcGIS Pro 3.4 you can control the visibility of individual layers symbolized with Unique Values symbology. Toggle checkboxes to control which classes are drawn on the map.


Make sure neighboring areas are never symbolized with the same color by using the Calculate Color Theorem Field tool. This functionality is new in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.


Staring in ArcGIS Pro 3.4 you are now able to create combo charts to combine bar and line series into a single visualization. This can also include a secondary y-axis to compare datasets with different scales.


Learn about enhancements to profile graphs, new in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.


Starting in ArcGIS Pro 3.4, administrators can set a custom limit on the amount of time an ArcGIS Pro license can be taken offline. Learn how to set this value as an administrator and check out an offline license as a user. This functionality will be available with the November ArcGIS Online release.


Hyperspectral imagery is now supported starting in ArcGIS Pro 3.4. Learn how to add hyperspectral imagery and use tools.


Stay tuned for the January 2025 Shorts wrap up! 

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