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Attribute Driven Symbology in ArcGIS Pro

10-06-2023 08:39 AM
Esri Contributor

Check out the newest video in our ArcGIS Pro Shorts series to learn about attribute driven symbology in ArcGIS Pro!

Watch the video


6 Replies
Frequent Contributor


Nice...but can you show us these predefined RGB colors in the legend. In your demonstration I don't see it in Content pane?!?

Thank you!

Esri Contributor

Hey Branislav,

I didn't expand the layer symbol in the contents pane because there are a lot of them and time constrains but here's a gif of what it looks like: 

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Occasional Contributor

Can you provide the expression used to calculate the field you created?

I really enjoy these ArcGIS Pro Shorts, thanks.

Esri Contributor

Hi Jason,

I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the ArcGIS Pro Shorts series! Here's the expression I used on the demo: 

"rgb(" + Text($feature.Red) + "," + Text($feature.Green) + "," + Text($feature.Blue) + ")"


Occasional Contributor

Thank you.

Frequent Contributor

Thank you, Valeria! You are demonstrating this using the 'Conus_Forest_Polygon' Layer and its attributes. Now in 'legend_colors.gif' you are showing another layer (conus_foresttype.tif), n o t  RGB colors produced by original layer attribute! This doesn't work in ArcGIS Pro! Simply said Colors do not reflect in the legend (function not fully or correctly implemented)!


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