Check out the newest video in our ArcGIS Pro Shorts series to learn about attribute driven symbology in ArcGIS Pro!
Nice...but can you show us these predefined RGB colors in the legend. In your demonstration I don't see it in Content pane?!?
Thank you!
Hey Branislav,
I didn't expand the layer symbol in the contents pane because there are a lot of them and time constrains but here's a gif of what it looks like:
Can you provide the expression used to calculate the field you created?
I really enjoy these ArcGIS Pro Shorts, thanks.
Hi Jason,
I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the ArcGIS Pro Shorts series! Here's the expression I used on the demo:
"rgb(" + Text($feature.Red) + "," + Text($feature.Green) + "," + Text($feature.Blue) + ")"
Thank you.
Thank you, Valeria! You are demonstrating this using the 'Conus_Forest_Polygon' Layer and its attributes. Now in 'legend_colors.gif' you are showing another layer (conus_foresttype.tif), n o t RGB colors produced by original layer attribute! This doesn't work in ArcGIS Pro! Simply said Colors do not reflect in the legend (function not fully or correctly implemented)!