is there any way to move the selected feature by dragging the mouse? I know this is normal editing in ArcGIS Pro, but I also want to incorporate an element selection that I already have set up.
internal class PresunAnotaciPodelRamu : MapTool
public PresunAnotaciPodelRamu()
IsSketchTool = true;
SketchType = SketchGeometryType.Point;
SketchOutputMode = SketchOutputMode.Map;
protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)
return QueuedTask.Run(() => Selection(geometry));
protected async Task<bool> Selection(Geometry geometry)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
MapView mapView = MapView.Active;
const string bodyAnno = "BodyAnno";
const string body = "Body";
const string ramyPresahu25 = "ramyPresahu_25";
var insp = new Inspector();
AnnotationLayer alBodyAnno = mapView.Map.FindLayers(bodyAnno).FirstOrDefault() as AnnotationLayer;
FeatureLayer flBody = mapView.Map.FindLayers(body).FirstOrDefault() as FeatureLayer;
FeatureLayer flRamyPresahu25 = mapView.Map.FindLayers(ramyPresahu25).FirstOrDefault() as FeatureLayer;
List<FeatureLayer> seznamVrstev = new List<FeatureLayer>()
{flBody, flRamyPresahu25};
if (alBodyAnno == null)
foreach (var vrstva in seznamVrstev)
if (vrstva == null)
var editace = new EditOperation
Name = "Posun anotace",
SelectNewFeatures = false
var features = mapView.GetFeatures(geometry);
if (features.ContainsKey(alBodyAnno))
var thisTag = features.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Key == alBodyAnno);
var oidSeznam = thisTag.Value;
long oid = 0;
string strana = null;
foreach (var longOid in oidSeznam)
oid = longOid;
var filter = new QueryFilter
WhereClause = " OBJECTID = " + oid
var anotaceHledana = alBodyAnno.Search(filter);
while (anotaceHledana.MoveNext())
var aktual = anotaceHledana.Current;
strana = aktual["STRANA"].ToString();
var anotaceZvolena = alBodyAnno.Select(filter);
insp.Load(alBodyAnno, oid);
AnnotationProperties annoProperties = insp.GetAnnotationProperties();
var shape = annoProperties.Shape;
var envelope = shape.Extent;
var mapPointCentroid = GeometryEngine.Instance.Centroid(envelope);
double souradniceStrduX = mapPointCentroid.X;
double souradniceStreduY = mapPointCentroid.Y;
if (strana == "horni" || strana == "dolni")
if (shape.GeometryType != GeometryType.GeometryBag)
var dictionary = GetMousePositionWindowsForms();
var souradniceY = dictionary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "Y").Value;
var posun = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(shape, souradniceStrduX, souradniceY);
annoProperties.Shape = posun;
if (shape.GeometryType != GeometryType.GeometryBag)
var dictionary = GetMousePositionWindowsForms();
var souradniceX = dictionary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "X").Value;
var posun = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(shape, souradniceX, souradniceStreduY);
annoProperties.Shape = posun;
MessageBox.Show("Nebyla zvolena anotace!");
MouseButtonEventArgs e;//I don't know how to set it up
OnMouseDoubleClick(editace, e);
return true;
void OnMouseDoubleClick(EditOperation editace, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
void HandleMouseUp(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)
public static Dictionary<string,double> GetMousePositionWindowsForms()
Dictionary<string,double> list = new Dictionary<string, double>();
var point = Control.MousePosition;
return list;
Finally, I would like to end the method by double-clicking the mouse. Is it possible to do that?
Thank you
Hi David,
I'd recommend taking a look at this section of the map exploration ProConcepts with regards to handling mouse down in a MapTool https://github.com/ArcGIS/arcgis-pro-sdk/wiki/ProConcepts-Map-Exploration#mouse-and-keyboard-events
and this sample which offers as example (In particular look at the way the BasicMapTool uses the OnToolMouseDown and HandleMouseDownAsync methods)
There are similar options for MouseUp and MouseMove on the MapTool. You could incorporate these methods into your solution.
One option would be to note when a left mouse down occurs (ie set a variable - mouseDown = true), trap the mouse move (and perform some action when mousedown == true), and finally note when the mouse up occurs (and clear the mouseDown variable). You could execute the editOperation in the MouseUp if enough distance has been travelled by the mouse.
I hope this gives you some ideas.
Thank you very much, this will definitely help me to make some progress. Thanks again.