Hi Guys,
In my addin, I subscribe to MapPropertyChangeEvent to get updated spatialreference and extent of current map view.
I correctly get updated SpatialReference in the event, but I got MapView extent boundingbox values are remained the same as old spatialreference value.
I am using this code in the MapPropertyChangeEvent to get current MapView extent.
For example after I change map's spatial reference from projected coordinate system,
to geographic
I am getting mapview extent boundingbox as in
XMax: -1776117.1635439098
XMin: -1900502.3492182
YMax: 12016785.670364719
YMin: 11967047.984130006
I subcribed the map property change event in constructor and using arcgis pro sdk 2.7. Is there any other way I can extract current mapview extent correctly upon spatial reference change.
Best Regards,
At first glance, it looks like changing the SpatialRef also triggers a change in the camera. When MapViewCameraChangedEvent occurs, the extent appears to be in sync with the spatialref.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Events.MapViewCameraChangedEvent.Subscribe((e) =>
if(e.PreviousCamera != null)
int previousWkid = e.PreviousCamera.SpatialReference.Wkid;
var currentWkid = e.CurrentCamera.SpatialReference.Wkid;
Debug.Print($"{previousWkid} {currentWkid} {MapView.Active.Extent.Width}");
catch(Exception ex)
Hi @KirkKuykendall1 ,
My question is that the bbox of extent value from mapview camera is wrong and still based on the previous spatialreference whereas spatialreference of its extent is updated.
Refer to my example : I update map spatialreference from projected to geographics, the value capture in map property change event is that value.
XMax: -1776117.1635439098
XMin: -1900502.3492182
YMax: 12016785.670364719
YMin: 11967047.984130006
But yes, the bbox extent value become in sync in the camera view change event later on.
It seems pro sdk is still in progress of updating the extent value during the map property change event.
In my opinion, it is a bug, pro shouldn't update partial property value during map property change event as well, or may be because of thread issue.
If they decided to update bbox values of extent in Camera change event, should have done all update in that place.