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Write Score by Component Tool to ArcPro

10-07-2024 02:59 PM
New Contributor
When creating an address locator for geocoding in ArcMap 10.8, there was an option to Write Score Per Component as an additional output field. This additional field was called Comp_score and tracked how well each component of an address matched the components of a candidate address, e.g., “House=100; prefix=0; pretype=100; StName=95.11; suftype=0; suffix=100; LocalityPreDir=100; LocalityPreType=100; Locality=100; LocalitySufType=100; Postal=0”.  Is there a way of outputting a Comp_score field in ArcGIS Pro? I have not seen it as an option when creating a Locator in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.  
Write Score by Component description below:


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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

@trinhs The Comp_score property is not available for the locators built with the Create Locator tool in ArcGIS Pro. You may want to submit this request to ArcGIS Ideas.

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