I have a new ArcGIS Pro subscription for my nonprofit org. when I attempt to use any Technical Support services I see a message that says, "You do not have access to start chat for the organization selected."
Soteria Institute is listed a "Standard Customer." I can't find a list of capabilities offered to standard customers, so I don't know what else I cannot do.
Does this mean that we can get support only through GeoNet?
It may mean that someone in your organization is the contact person and you have to funnel questions through them. In our organization (a university), there is '1' designated contact initially, a couple of others can be put on the list so that they can contact tech support and file support cases. If you aren't the '1', can you find out who is?
I suggest that you go to your 'My ESRI' page. Scroll down and you should see your ESRI contact. Ask him/her what you can /can't get.