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Vector Tile Package only extracts 15 levels

03-27-2024 05:33 PM
Labels (3)
New Contributor

I have automated the process for creating vector tile basemaps for our users. I have been held up by the extract package functionality. ESRI recommended we extract to a cloud store but I've found it often times out/throws errors. Fine I thought, I can extract it locally, copy it to s3 and then update the map service that way. However, when extracting the vector tile package it only extracts up to level 15 (level 16 is only one bundle). It is web mercator so it should be at up to level 23. 

I have tried everything, renaming the .vtpk to .zip and checking how many levels there are (15 or 16)

different tile scheme

different computer

We dont use a basemap when tiling. I'm creating a basemap. All the data is in web mercator. The map is in web mercator

if I upload my vector tile package to enterprise it zooms down to the closest scale, however we cant afford for people to be downloading hosted tile packages from enterprise, so have decided on the s3 route. So the tiles are copied to s3 as extracted package (vtiles) but there are only 15 levels! The map service in enterprise says it goes down to 1:32.

Can anyone help? I am at my wits end. It is holding up the production role out of this basemap.

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