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Spatial Join of floating point data with a vector layer

02-09-2022 03:23 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi, I'm new to ArcGIS so if anyone could help I'd really appreciate it.

I am trying to analyse sea surface temperature within specific areas to find the mean SST for each. Currently I am using a floating point layer (Esri's Living Atlas, NOAA layer) for SST and have a polygon layer I wish to join it to.

Using the spatial join tool, I've found the SST layer does not appear for entry as either the target or join layer, and after converting it to a raster layer (this was recommended to me) its still not appearing.

Is there any other way around this? Or can anyone recommend a simpler dataset of SST that may work? As I've read this could be due to the SST layer being multidimensional.


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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

You need to run the Zonal Statistics as Table tool, but will need the Spatial analyst extension. 

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