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Records are unintentionally being removed because of a strange selection issue.

11-13-2023 02:07 PM
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New Contributor


I am currently working in a Oracle SDE version, that I am accessing through ArcPro. 

I was appending records from one table to another table using the select by attribute method.

(Table A has 5000 records, but I want to move 100 into table B using the select by attribute, in this case: with a specific "name")

After I ran the append I was opening the table from my source data and doing a select by attribute, giving me the number of records in that table with a specific "name". I did the same in the new data set, and if both tables had an equal number of records my append had worked correctly. 

I didn't unselect the records that had been selected as part of my comparison. I just closed the table and removed the table from my map project. (Been doing this the same way for years in ArcMap)

At the end of my day, I had an empty map project, with no tables or feature classes, just a base map.

Later, thinking I would save the trouble of creating a new map project, I opened the same one. When I opened the map project the next time, no tables or feature class were in the map project. I loaded a different table then the ones mentioned above, and was working on something unrelated.

I needed to remove a line from the new table. Selected the line I wanted removed and hit the "Delete Selected Features" tool from the editing tool bar in pro. 

It wasn't until later that I realized all the data from the appends was missing. 

I believe what happened, was the records remained selected with-in the map project even after I had removed those tables from that particular map project.

Through some basic testing, it appears the selection only goes away in the map project when you re-load/add them back into the project. 

Because I had no reason to open those tables in the map project again, those records stayed selected with out me knowing.

When I deleted a line from an unrelated table ArcPro, I ended up deleted everything that had not been deselected before closing out. In this case it was everything I had added, because of how I was doing my comparison. 

It removed selected records from tables that were no longer in the map project, and I had no idea were still selected. 

The work around so far is to make sure to everything has been deselected before closing the table, and to start a new project ever time something needs to be deleted, to make sure that nothing is selected that I don't know about. 

I am assuming it has something to do with how our versioning is set up. But, I can't think of a good reason why someone would want records to stay selected even after they have been removed from the project. Part of me thinks this might just be an ArcPro bug. 

Has anyone else seen this before? If so, any suggestions how to prevent it from happening. I know hitting the deselect before closing a table is rule number 1, but I am concerned that it will happen without one of my users realizing it, and we will lose a large amount of data.



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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

@TimothyKnutson I would suggest reporting this to Esri Technical Support so a bug can be investigated/logged.

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