I am trying to connect from Pro to Private schema in Oracle (where the metadata tables not owned by SDE) and fail.
In the screen shot you can see the geodatabase connection properties – changing the schema does not change the version.
The help say: "ArcGIS Pro only supports connections to transactional versions at this time"
This looks like basic functionality to me – why is it not supported?
I could read a lyr file created in ArcMap with layers from the private schema or even take the connection file from ArcMap and load it into pro and get all the layers but I think it should be in pro without workarounds.
Am I missing something?
a search turns up nothing, nor does it turn up on arcgis ideas, you might have to post the suggestion there to see of others have noticed and/or share the observation
Do you have to put an idea for functionality that already exists in ArcMap?
I think most people uses old MXD's that is why this problem did not showed before...
I hope somebody from the team will comment on this.