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Issues Relating Pipes and Cleaning Records

3 weeks ago
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor

Hello all,

I have a large layer of pipes right now with a related table of cleaning records that was taken from an Access database. The only relation between the 2 layer/table now is by pipe location name and cleaning record location name. Both these fields vary wildly because they are long strings of text entered by many hands so we have a lot of data clean-up to do.

I want this data to be easier to work with so I want to try to implement a relationship class based on parent GlobalID and table GUID like I've seen recommended in other posts. I added the GUID column to my table and want to bring over all GlobalIDs on parent layer to the matching cleaning records new GUID field so I have some that will match when the class is made.

For the new GUID field on the table, I tried calculating bringing over the GlobalID from the PipeLocations feature layer using Arcade with expression below:

var pipes = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature, "PipeLocations", ['location'])
var pgid = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature, "PipeLocations", ['GlobalID'])
var records = $feature.clnrlocation

IIF(pipes == records, pgid, "")

And it ran successfully but nothing populated. Maybe I'm not grabbing the parent layers fields correctly?

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

I did a workaround of joining the layer and the table based on pipe location name and then the layer field was available in the option to calculate GUID from. Yay!

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