I am trying to create a two panel map layout where the first map frame has a map series enabled and the second map frame copies the extent of the first map frame but it is one page ahead.
I can currently do this is ArcMap using arcpy, but I cannot seem to get the functionality to work in Pro.
I have tried this, but the second map frame will not iterate as the first map frame changes pages:
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("current")
one = aprx.listLayouts()[0]
df1 = one.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT","Map Frame")[0]
df2 = one.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT","Map Frame 1")[0]
ms = one.mapSeries
for pageNum in range(1, ms.pageCount):
#set map series to have the extent of the PageNum + 1 (one page ahead)
ms.currentPageNumber= pageNum + 1
#get extent of Frame 1 and set Frame 2 to have the same extent as the first frame
extent = df1.camera.getExtent()
#reset the extent of the first Frame back to the correct page
ms.currentPageNumber= pageNum
Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks.