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Hosted View not Updating in Pro

08-26-2024 10:26 AM
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Emerging Contributor

I'm currently trying to update a Hosted View in Pro. I've tried clearing my cache and restarting ArcPro on my computer, but it does not seem to work. I did not write the original code for the hosted layer and am still learning what it all entails. The original layer is versioned in our database, but the hosted view is not. I am not sure if this affects anything. Any advice would be helpful! 

5 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello @alexis_s , can you include some more details & screenshots etc of what you are doing. It's not really clear what you are trying to do or where it is failing for you.

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Emerging Contributor

Hi @ChrisUnderwood !

I've attached screenshots of the versioning & view definition. I have a host layer and view layer. I am making updates to the host layer but these are not being reflected in the view layer. I've tried clearing my cache, restarting ArcPro, clearing any locks, and refreshing the map. I'm still new with this host/view thing so anything helps 🙂 Thank you!

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Esri Contributor

Can you expand on "updates to the host layer". Are you editing the data it holds, or the structure of it's fields etc ?

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Emerging Contributor

The Host layer is a Shapefile holding several tax parcels. I update the layer through deleting old polygons and creating new ones. I do not change the structure of the fields. 

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Esri Contributor

I think you should open this question with your local Esri support team. They will be able to help you more easily than this forum.