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Feature layer in AGOL shows up as having duplicate entries for states

12-17-2020 07:09 AM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

I am struggling with working with my AGOL hosted feature layer in Pro. I have 5,819 records in my attribute table to which each of them are points in the United States. When I select by attributes, for example, CA (California) shows up twice, but if I select either of them it gives me the same selected records. But this is posing an issue for when I need to do joins by state or symbolize by state for any reason.

This was happening two days ago for CA and NY, and now it has appeared for FL, MN, and TX. Please see my screenshot below, highlighted in yellow. I tried running tools like trim() and strip() but doing so makes my ArcGIS Pro crash minutes later, so it's not a great solution, especially if this is occurring for new states that didn't have this issue earlier.

Please help offer any solutions - this is a seemingly small issue that has been a bit of a nuisance. I also don't want to run into any issues in the future if it's treating points in one state as two different "unique" states.



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3 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

What version of Pro are you running? Could you perform an update (in hopes that it would not crash)? Instead of 'is equal to', could you try 'contains the text' and/or use a wildcard? 

Something like: State LIKE '%FL%' should work for all Florida values.

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Emerging Contributor

Hi - thanks for your response! I was using ArcGIS Pro 2.6.3, I thought I had it updated but maybe that will help. I ended up being able to run the strip for the whole table without it crashing, which fixed the issue. Do you have any idea why it is separating out the same state into different unique text options? I would just hate to run into this issue for different states each day or every once in a while.

Also, I think using %FL% would work if selecting by attributes, but I'm not sure if joins will allow me to do that. I found another work-around for this by doing dissolves but it's just an extra manual step!

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MVP Honored Contributor

I am not really sure why that is happening without seeing the data. It sounds like there could be rogue spaces in the attributes but I do not know. Is there a way you can share that feature service?

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