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Feature Count is Wrong

10-17-2019 07:17 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I am well aware of how buggy Pro is, that being said I am getting a really weird bug where the attibute table is giving the wrong amount of features in the attribute table. I can open the same tables in ArcMap and I get the correct number of features in the layer. This is basic functionality so I am suprised it even got through esri almost non existant QAQC process. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a work around? 

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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you send screen shots of the table in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro showing the count?

--- George T.
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New Contributor

Did you solve this issiue? I also have this problem. BUG-000126859

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

not quite the same issue, but in ArcGIS Online my features are appearing on the map but the feature count is zero (see yellow lines). I have the same feature class open in an ArcGIS Pro document with some dynamic text in the layout that sums the length field. The dynamic text isn't returning any values for the exact same features.



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