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Export to Circuitscape Tool for Arc Pro? ASCII Formatting Issues

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I am using Circuitscape to do some landscape connectivity mapping, and in the past I have used the "Export to Circuitscape" tool available in ArcMap. My university no longer provides the license for ArcMap, so I was curious if there is another similar tool that formats and exports files in Arc Pro for use in Circuitscape? I am aware of linkage mapper, but to my knowledge it doesn't have what I need. I have manually projected, resampled, and used the raster to ASCII tool to try and format the files myself, but the ASCII headers (specifically the ncols and nrows) need to be the same in order for the files to work in Circuitscape and they never are. If there isnt a tool, is there a way to ensure that the ASCII headers match up without messing up the maps? Thank you!! 

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

do you have any more recent documentation than this?

Inputs, Outputs and Options · Circuitscape.jl Documentation

ncols <Number of columns>
nrows <Number of rows>
xllcorner <X coordinate of lower left corner>
yllcorner <Y coordinate of lower left corner>
cellsize <size of each cell>
NODATA_value <Code for cells with no habitat, focal nodes, sources or grounds>

they use tab delimited format (which is different)

Numeric data only. Columns are delimited with tabs and rows are delimited with new line characters.

Raster to ascii Raster to ASCII (Conversion)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation


row 1
row 2

but it is space delimited.

So, how is nrows and ncols getting misinterpreted


... sort of retired...
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New Contributor

Thank you so much for responding! image.png

The picture above is of my two files, I need the ncols and the nrows to match for both in order for it to run through Circuitscape, I have resampled to match the cellsize for both, but I am not aware of any tool that would allow me to match the ncols and nrows. And after i can get them to match, I would need to reformat the ASCII heading to match the Circuitscape format?  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I see no indication that you set an analysis extent

Cell Alignment (Environment setting)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

the raster that you consider "correct" should be set as the "snap raster"

Snap Raster (Environment setting)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

and when you are using raster to ascii, you will note that there a variety of environment parameters that are supported by the tool.  If you don't want surprises (like changing extent), then set them in the tool's Environment tab

Raster to ASCII (Conversion)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Auto Commit, Cell Size, Cell Size Projection Method, Current Workspace, Extent, Geographic Transformations, Output CONFIG Keyword, Output Coordinate System, Scratch Workspace


... sort of retired...
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