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Error with polygon splitting in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.2

Occasional Contributor

Hello everyone.

I'm editing polygons in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.2, but when I split the polygons using the (SPLIT) tool, it's not displayed in the image, but the split is visible in the attribute worksheet. Can you help me by telling me how to configure it to fix this situation?

Best regards.

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6 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Is the map and the featureclass in the same coordinate system?  There were issues for this situation, but apparently resolved, but worth a check.

something else too

BUG-000166353 for ArcGIS Pro

... sort of retired...
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Occasional Contributor

Hi Dan

Yes, the files are in the same coordinate system. They're edits I'm making on a Stereo model.

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Esri Contributor

Hi @JairoCordero 

Have you run a repair geometry/geometry checker for any bad points/vertices?

If the data is coming from ArcGIS Online as a WFL can you toggles the True Curve option that is in the settings of the layer with the item details page? Initially toggle off this setting and see if this makes a difference, make sure to save the setting change.



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Occasional Contributor

Hi Daniel

The files aren't from ArcGIS Online, they're a GDB. I went into the domains and changed them to Duplicate. But there was no result. And regarding the "geometry checker/geometry repair," I don't know how to do it.

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Occasional Contributor

I forgot, I'm working within an stero model.

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