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Does  someone encounter the problem that when I open the Quick Import in the Data Interoperability Tools, the ArcGIS Pro shows "the tools can't open: interop.QuickImport"?

07-13-2018 06:45 AM
New Contributor

 I want to import the OSM data, is there any method to figure it out?

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MVP Alum

I don't know if you are a "Pro" shop only, but if you still have ArcMap installed, I strongly recommend downloading the ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap, and use either the OSM File Loader (Load only) or Load OSM File tool instead of interoperability.

ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap:

Like you, I have had bad experience with the interoperability Quick Import option. It has bugs, and forces a data model onto you that may not suite your needs.

The ArcGIS Editor import tools are more flexible, especially combined with the OSM Attribute Selector tool, that lets you freely choose OSM keys to add to your feature classes after import.

There are a few differences between the import tools though:

OSM File Loader (Load only):

- Supports the Parallel processing environment setting, meaning you can have faster import using multipe cores

- Doesn't import full relation (member) data, although it will properly import routes and mulltipolygons, so still perfect for cartography

- Because of the second point above, you can't use it to create Network Datasets for routing purposes

- You can also not use this to edit & upload data using the Editor's OSM editing capabilities.

Load OSM File:

- Slower import, as it only supports single core processing

- Does load full relation (member) information

- Suitable to create Network Datasets for routing

- Imported data can be edited & uploaded using the Editor's OSM editing capabilities, but do note that you should not attempt to edit very large imports (e.g. county / state / province / country). Editing is only supported on small datasets.

I also strongly recommend you to download ready-made OSM extract from the Geofabrik website if you intend to import any significantly sized dataset. The download options of the Editor are not capable of large downloads, and you can therefor not get big extracts with them. Use the excellent Geofabrik services instead:

Unfortunately, there is currently not yet a "Pro" version of the Editor toolbox, and not even a basic importer containing the tools mentioned above. I have an open issue on Github for this, but there hasn't been progress:

Let your voice be heard there if you think it would be useful to have at least a conversion of these import tools to Pro. I personally have had no need for the true editing capabilities of the ArcGIS Editor, I use iD and JOSM instead, but the import tools are valuable. In addition, due to the very specific and rare compatibility with Geodatabases, the Editor's editing capabilities do not include relations, only plain ways and nodes.