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Data structure

09-30-2024 12:58 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

Dear Community,

I have several questions regarding the general application settings of ArcGIS Pro. We are planning to migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. Over the years we have established a directory for saving our mxd-Files, original geodata in the following manner (with ArcMap😞






The folder .\Data contains the original geodata as files and one or more file geodatabase:

📙Original Data



The folder and geodatabases directory is used as a template and always copied and pasted in the new project folder. This way, the project.mxd, which is saved within the projectfolder, always sets the current folder, it's saved in, as the home directory and we can easily access  the original geodata as files and the geodatabase in the sub directory.

When opening up an .aprx with ArcGisPro the application automatically creates the following folders/.gdb:











The directory/folder structure differs from ArcMAP and therefore I have the following questions:


  1. Question: Is it possible to change the general settings, so that it is always created in the folder .\Data, when opening up a new .aprx?
  2. Question: Is it possible to automatically drop the automatically created folders "GpMessages", "ImportLog" and "Index" into a separate folder?
  3. Question: Even if all of this would be technically possible, would these changes come with major drawbacks concerning performance, add-ins, tools or other essential features in ArcGIS Pro?



Thanks in advance!

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Create a project—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

provides some commentary

these are the settings that you can change for the project

Change current settings for a project—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

which you could use as a template for future projects

... sort of retired...
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