Our corporate data is symbolised in ArcMap via a stylesheet. I have successfully import this stylesheet into ArcGIS Pro, so the individual symbols are available for my ArcGIS Pro maps. In ArcMap the navigation aids layer is symbolised using a stylesheet; Layer Properties --> Symbology --> Categories --> Match to symbols in a stylesheet --> Specify the Value Field --> [select the stylesheet file] --> Match Symbols --> Ok
How do I do this in ArcGIS Pro? There are about 200 different types of navigation aids, so I prefer not to specify the symbol for each type of navigation aid.
Add styles to a project—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
but I am not seeing any arcpy access for scripting
This blog post too https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/arcgis-pro/mapping/importing-older-styles-into-arcgis-pro/...